Strategic Partners
Coupled with the ability to manufacture custom systems, the sales department will be able to assist in the solution of any weighing needs.
Scales from Weigh Bridges through to Analytical Balances, Static Scales to full PLC controlled Batching systems, anything in the weighing industry can be accommodated.

Load Cell Supplier with head office based in Canada. Supplier of standard load cells as well as force measuring equipment and custom cells.
ANYLOAD has been sold by Associated Scale Service for nearly 10year and installed successfully in some of the harshes conditions. With over 2500 load cells instock in Brisbane, the likelihood is the load cell needed will be instock. (Australian Distributor for ANYLOAD)

This is one of the largest USA weighing companies. With a catalogue that is over 500 pages, Rice Lake Weighing Systems will be able to supply what ever is needed. This partnership offers Associated Scale Service the opertunity to stay at the cutting edge of technology within the Weighing Industry.(Australian Distributor for RICE LAKE Weighing Systems)

A relatively new company who focuses on more of the domestic market but allows for an online sales outlet. Associated Scale Service has been commissoned to be the warranty and service agent of ANYSCALES. (Australian Service Agent for ANYSCALES)

Custom design weighing manufacture. Australian owned and operated Associated Manufacturing still customizes weighing equipment to ensure operation efficiency and also space efficiency with is becoming more important to growing companies.
Utilizing the latest CAD inventor programme so as customers can see in a 3d Rendering what exactly they are purchasing. Both being Professional in all aspects of design and build, as well as being surprisingly cost effective has allowed Associated Manufacturing to be only a handful of Weighing Customizing Business in Australia.

Being a USA manufacturer of high quality fully programmable weighing electronics. GSE units give a flexibility not normally seen within the weighing industry allowing for Process Control through one device. If in doubt use GSE! Now Owned by Avery Weigh-Tronix. (Australian Distributor for GSE)

AND Australasia is an Adelaide base company with a broad range of weighing equipment for the material handling to laboritory equipment. Now offering modular Inline Check Weighers and Metal Detectors. (Platinum Partner for AND Australasia)

Being one of Australia’s largest supplier of Light Industrial, and Laboritory Equipment, Ohaus offers some fo the lowest pricing with good quality. (Silver Partner for Ohaus)

Internationally Renowned Load Cell Supplier. Being the most prominant supplier to force testing laboritories and universities including Stain Gauge technology and monitoring equpment.

Being one of the oldest and now one of the largest weiging companies in the world and incorporating companies like, GSE, Salter, Dillion, the brand is well respected and covers a large feild of requirements. From Industrial Scales or all types, Dynamometer, Low Cost Scales and Retail.
From Personal Scale, Baby Scales through to Wheel Chair Weighing, Seca covers the range. Designed for Personal, Aged Facilities, Doctors Surgeries and Hospitals.

Australian manufacturer of weighing electronics.